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Tarpon FC Est 1974

Tarpon FC Est. 1974


Spring Recreational Soccer for 2024 

Spring will start March 4th and end April 29th. Days of training and time are Mondays and Wednesdays from 6-7pm at the Tarpon Sports complex off Jasmine. If you would like your child to continue playing soccer and not wait till next Fall then please register.  Spring will be same training format as Fall and will be coached by our competitive academy director, Aki. 

In-house Recreational Soccer Program - 

This group is for youth players age 6-8,  "in-house" coed.  Our main focus for our youngest players is to develop them and teach them how to play soccer, improve soccer skills and at the same time have an enjoyable time.  This will prepare them for games when they become of age for travel soccer. Our practices sessions description is described below:

  1. There will be 2/3 coaches present for each practice session. 
  2. The players will be divided into groups depending on age and skill level. 
  3. 20/25 minutes as a work ups.
  4. 20/25 minutes on speed, coordination.
  5. 20 minutes of scrimmage will be held during the last part of practice. 

There will always be group rotations for better experience for players. 

There will be a small tournament at the end of the spring session in April. 

Any questions please email [email protected]

Spring Registration Fees

Ages 6-8 years old     $200.00

Contact Us

Tarpon FC

Mailing Address, P O Box 848
Tarpon Springs, Florida 34688

Email Us: [email protected]
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